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The main difference between the <button> element and using a link (<a>) styled as a button lies in their intended purpose and behavior.

Button elements

The <button> element is designed to trigger an action or event on the same page when clicked or activated. Its primary purpose is to perform an action, such as submitting a form, opening a modal, toggling visibility, or executing JavaScript functionality. Key points about <button>:

  • Triggers an action on the current page
  • Can be activated by pressing Enter or Space key
  • Announced as a "button" by screen readers
  • Supports additional attributes like type, form, formaction, etc.
  • Appropriate for actions like form submissions, toggling UI elements, etc.

Link <a> styled as a button

While it's possible to style a link (<a>) to visually resemble a button, this approach is generally discouraged as it goes against the intended purpose of links. Links are meant for navigation, either to a different page or a different section within the same page. Key points about links styled as buttons:

  • Intended for navigation to a different URL or page anchor
  • Activated by pressing Enter key (not Space)
  • Announced as a "link" by screen readers
  • Lack button-specific attributes and functionality
  • Inappropriate for actions that don't involve navigation

Using a link styled as a button can lead to confusion for users, especially those using assistive technologies like screen readers, as the visual appearance and behavior don't match the announced role. It's generally better to use the appropriate HTML element based on the intended purpose: <button> for actions, <a> for navigation.

In summary, the <button> element should be used when the intent is to trigger an action on the current page, while links (<a>) should be used for navigation purposes, even if visually styled like a button. Following this convention improves accessibility, semantics, and adherence to web standards.

The key accessibility benefits of using the <button> element over styled links (<a>) for actions on the same page are:

  1. Semantic meaning: Buttons convey the semantic meaning of triggering an action or functionality on the current page, while links are intended for navigation to a different resource or page. Using the correct element based on its intended purpose improves clarity and meets user expectations.
  2. Keyboard accessibility: Buttons can be activated with both the Enter and Space keys, while links can only be activated with the Enter key. This provides better keyboard accessibility for users who rely on keyboard navigation.
  3. Screen reader communication: Screen readers announce buttons as interactive controls and links as navigational elements. Using the appropriate element ensures assistive technologies convey the correct role and purpose to users.
  4. Focus management: Buttons are focusable by default, while links require an href attribute to be focusable. This makes buttons more accessible out-of-the-box for keyboard navigation and focus management.
  5. Button-specific attributes: The <button> element supports additional attributes like type, form, formaction, etc., which are not applicable to links. These attributes can enhance functionality and accessibility for specific use cases.
  6. Discoverability: Screen readers often have functionality to list all links on a page, making it easier for users to discover and navigate links. Buttons may not be as easily discoverable, reinforcing the need to use them for actions rather than navigation.

In summary, using the <button> element for actions on the same page and the <a> element for navigation aligns with their intended purposes, meets user expectations, and provides better accessibility support out-of-the-box. This clear separation of roles and adherence to web standards improves the overall user experience, especially for users relying on assistive technologies.